About us

We are a group of renowned ophthalmologists recognized for providing personalized and timely care, who are constantly updated with the latest advances in Ophthalmology worldwide. Our distinguishing feature is the personalized and specialized care provided by expert specialists to our patients.

Nuestra Visión​

Our vision is to become one of the best options at the national level in the ophthalmology field, providing quality, trust, and professionalism, using a high range of technology at our disposal through which we can guarantee the improvement of our patients' vision.

Instituciones que nos respaldan

Nuestro Director Médico el Dr. Mauricio Miranda es representante del Perú ante la IOIS o Sociedad Internacional de Inflamación Ocular Y el ISRS o la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Refractiva. Pertenecemos a diversas Asociaciones y Sociedades Nacionales e Internacionales que avalan nuestro trabajo médico, Clínico Quirúrgico e Investigativo.

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